
R&R Summer Academy II “+existence” from 29/08/2011 until 09/09/2011 at the Municipal Conservatory of Larissa The Synergy of Music Theater (S.Mou.Th.) in collaboration with R&R international network and the Municipal Conservatory of...

Summer Academy I:
from 30/8/2010 until 10/9/2010 at the Municipal Conservatory of Larissa The Synergy of Music Theater (S.Mou.Th.) in collaboration with R&R international network, the Municipal Conservatory of Larissa, the Municipal...

The project Art'n'Go, launched in Lille in September 2009 with the support of the Culture Programme of the European Union, gave an opportunity to develop into sustainable productions, and present...

URBAN SOUNDSCAPES - ARTS PRACTICE FOR AN ECOLOGY OF HUMAN INTERACTION This Grundtvig Learning Partnership, supported by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union, brought together non profit organisations from...

"Roots and Routes Follow-up" is an action-research project addressing non-formal and informal learning in artistic contexts in Europe. It explores the current status of validation of informal and non-formal learning...

ROOTS & ROUTES is an international network for the promotion of cultural and social diversity in contemporary performing arts and media. Since 2001, R&R organises training courses, master classes, performances...