29 May SMouTh in Talk2Me kick-off meeting in Florence
The kick-off meeting of Talk2Me project took place in Florence.
During May 12-15, all partners of Talk2Me project met at the ARC_Performing Arts Research Center (Florence) to settle and enhance their communications, promote profound collaboration and plan their works for the next two years.
Talk2Me is a project that combines artistic methods and language learning, with the aim of exploring how linguistic practices based on arts can contribute positively to the empowerment of young immigrants, strengthening verbal and non-verbal communication as a key tool for their integration.
In Larissa, the workshops have already started at the Shelter for the Protection of unaccompanied Minors with the participation of migrant children and the scientific staff of the structure.
Talk2Me is a project coordinated by Les Têtes de l’Art (France), in collaboration with Centro di Creazione e Cultura (Italy), Synergy of Music Theatre (Greece), Subjective Values Foundation (Hungary) Instituto Andaluz de Formcaión y Mercado (Spain) and it is co-financed by Erasmus+.