Presentation of educational tools from the Generation Europe Network

GENERATION EUROPE_presentation of educational tools

Presentation of educational tools from the Generation Europe Network

A series of original educational tools addressed to workers active in the youth sector were presented last Thursday, April 25th by the Synergy of Music Theatre (SMouTh) at Connectiva. The tools are currently available and consist of the following six Booklets:

  • Intoductory Booklet : “The Sailing map”- Navigating through the Booklets 1 to 5
  • Booklet 1: “GroupUp”- How to create and motivate a youth group for Active Citizenship
  • Booklet 2: “TogetherAbility”- Strategic youth work for inclusion
  • Booklet 3: “Sharing4Caring”- How to support wellbeing of young participants and youth leaders
  • Booklet 4: “ReachOut”- How to facilitate engagement of youth in participatory processes at local level
  • Booklet 5: “BeLonging”- How to connect young people with their local communities

You can also find available the two supplementary handbooks:

  • Discussing Civic Education– Handout on Different Understandings of the Term and Common Solutions”
  • Take Power” – Getting started with Advocacy and Lobbying

The educational tools are result of ‘’Generation Europe network’’ working groups (Competence Groups), an international group of professionals working in the field of youth in more than 20 countries. All booklets are addressed and can be leveraged by youth workers, social workers, teachers, project managers and professionals who work and engage youth etc. The tools aim to shed light and reinforce the methodical series of actions for team building, inclusion, psychological support and engagement in participatory processes, networking and decision-making.

You can access the digital format of the prementioned material by clicking on the hyperlinks: Booklets and Handbooks

We’d love to have feedback with your experience after using these tools in your working field by sending an email to