
  • by Giannis Chatziantoniou
  • by Giannis Chatziantoniou

ImPArt project -fully titled “Performing Arts Redesigned for an Immediate Accessibility”- takes accessibility a step further. It becomes a source of inspiration and encourages experiments. International artists with and without disabilities from various backgrounds are set out on an expedition to uncover, tap into and make tangible the tremendous artistic potential of truly accessible art at a theoretical and practical level.

Today, accessibility in the arts usually is translated as audio description, captioning or sign interpreting, which are perceived as alien elements outside the stage and the artistic creation. The piece of art is objectified while emotional and artistic levels are neglected. Recipients with disabilities are partially deprived of the aesthetic experience and artists do not even get the chance to create accessible works of art.

ImPArt aims to find new creative ways to allow all human beings to have an equal experience of an artistic product. One question is vital in this: How can we use auxiliary means to become part of the performance, to become art themselves and to enrich the work of art through their own aesthetic possibilities? We feel accessibility gives innovative momentum to the artistic process. We believe we will find ways to make music accessible to deaf people, convey language used on stage to people with cognitive impairment or translate the artistic quality of a monologue by visualizing its content. This is because we are convinced that art can be all of this: complex, subtle and accessible to all of us without compromising on quality. On the contrary, we are confident that this offers the chance to add new quality to the piece of art as well as the process.

Workshops, masterclassesinternational symposiainternational summits and international labs in Armenia, Germany, Greece and Italy will break new ground for inclusion in the arts. Participants include artists and experts from various backgrounds such as dance, theatre, music, video and poetry. ImPArt enables us to re-think of stage, and to experiment with thoughts and approaches. This expedition will result and find its artistic expression in international interdisciplinary performances.

The performances will be presented to a large audience starting summer 2019, premiering in Athens, Greece. We will continue our tour through Germany, Italy and other European countries.

Partner organisations working on this project are SMouTh (Greece), Oriente Occidente Festival (Italy), Small Theatre (Armenia) and Pusteblume Center (Germany).

ImPArt project is mainly funded by Creative Europe Programme of the EU.


Co-funded by:

european cooperations, productions