18 Nov INPACT Socio-economic transition tools are available!
Create connections between stakeholders and turn your idea into a feasible project plan!
Just so you know – the following tools we will present to you are from the Socio-Economic transition. We developed two tools to help you to create a sustainable project by planning it and making connections between stakeholders, such as funders and artists.
You saw in the web series how artists from Greece and France experimented with these tools. Now, it’s your turn! Don’t forget you can check the user guide of each tool to better understand how they work.
Click on the tool’s name and access them.
1. What is it about: This tool aims to give tips to Artists who need to meet other artists of different disciplines or/and professionals from other fields of professional activity.
2. Objectives and skills you will acquire by using this tool:
- Communication skills
- Organisation skills
- Facilitation skills
- Networking skills
- Entrepreneurship skills
- Promotional skills
1. What is it about: This tool intends to be a clear and simple pathway into project planning for creators and managers of cultural organizations.
2. Objectives and skills you will acquire by using this tool: Have a look at the six wrong assumptions that can lead a project to failure. If any of them ring a bell with you, click on it and access the content.
- Engage users in a reflective exercise prior to the implementation of cultural and artistic projects.
- Overcome wrong, far-fetched and/or unrealistic assumptions.