15 Apr SLSR workshops
Yesterday was the ending of the international workshop SLSR (Same Love Same Rights) in Landesmusikakademie NRW, Germany, coordinated by ROOTS & ROUTES Cologne.
From April 9th to 14th, youth professionals, artists and activists from 8 countries exchanged and further developed artistic methods, approaches and practices related to the diversity of gender related roles, sexual preferences and homosexual identities and collaborated to create safe environments for all sexual identities in international young artists exchanges.
This workshop was part of the European project Same Love Same Rights-Youth Arts for LGBTI* Equality, funded by the Federal Ministry of Family, Elderly, Women and Youth of Germany, the Erasmus+ programme and the Child and Youth Board of North Rhine-Westphalia.
SMouTh is one of the partners of the project and was represented by 3 exceptional artists/social scientists of Larissa (Marialena Tsiamoura, Vasilis Ntaopoulos and Alexandra Gravani).
Next action of the project will take place in the Baltrum island, Germany, in November 2018.