15 Dec Εxhibition ‘‘abROAD to Japan’’
The Synergy of Music Theatre happily launches the exhibition ”abROAD to Japan” in the upcoming week. After 10 days of wandering through Japanese culture, artists and members of SMouTh’s team captured their experiences through the art of photography, video and creative writing and are excited to be presenting impressive audiovisual material with the public.
How does Japan and its culture continue to be reflected in the work of contemporary artists? And how do artistic creations of all kinds act as ambassadors for the visiting country back in their own countries? How much are our impressions influenced by stereotypes and how far do they move away from them, creating new narratives? SMouTh’s team after having studied and analysed various texts by important writers who visited Japan since the late 19th century until today, the time came to present their own view of Japan.
On Saturday, December 21 at 19:30, at Synergeio Culture Space (22 Oikonomou ex Oikonomon, in Larissa), the general public will have the opportunity to see the artistic results of the project, meet and discuss in person with the creators, as well as purchase the original manga book by LoudMouse Crew Comics.
The exhibition is open to the public until the end of January 2025.
Kostas Lamproulis, Dimitra Zacharouli, Garifallenia Tsinopoulou, Lydia Pantziou, Dimitris Litoselitis.
Exhibition curator: Giannis Chatziantoniou
The project “abROAD to Japan” is funded by the Japan Expo ’70 Commemorative Fund (2024)