25 Oct YOUR JOURNEY’s stop in Larissa
Project managers, researchers and artists of YOUR JOURNEY Erasmus+ project met in Larissa from 19-21st October to catch up with the progress of their work so far and jointly plan the next steps of the project.
YOUR JOURNEY project aims at publishing a toolkit for youth workers with creative tools based on the arts of storytelling and photography to be used in mixed groups of local youth and young people with a migration background, in order to explore what ‘feeling at home’ means to them and facilitate their integration in the hosting communities.
The tools developed by the partners have been reviewed and the pilot workshops are almost ready to start by SMouTh (Larissa/GR), Storytelling Arena (Berlin/GE), Culture Generations (Amsterdam/NE) and Sagapὸ (Bolzano/IT), under the scientific supervision of Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.
Thanks to the Puppet Museum-Municipal Puppet Theatre of Larissa for the warm hospitality and to all our fellow travelers for their work and the valuable time we had together!
To stay updated about the next events of YOUR JOURNEY please contact SMouTh at: