12 Feb TRANSITION – Open Call
To plan and form the artistic program of the 3 festivals that will be implemented in Larissa, Volos and Trikala in September-October 2021, the organisers of Mill of Performing Arts, Volos Festival, and the Municipal Theatre of Trikala, respectively, address an invitation to all interested parties to submit their proposals from Friday, February 12th, to Sunday, February 28th, 2021. Submission deadline extended: March 7th, 2021.
Taking into account the sociopolitical situation, the difficulties, the restrictions and dead-ends caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in the field of culture, art and creative expression, and mainly the imposed need for a way out, this year, the organisers of the festivals choose to organise their activities around the thematic of TRANSITION*.
The artistic program of the 3 festivals will be formed by both a selection of proposals submitted in the framework of this call and by invited artists.
Criteria for the selection will be:
- the artistic interest of the proposal
- the connection of the proposal with the concept of TRANSITION (common thematic of the festivals)
- the accesibility of the activities
The proposals could be:
- theatre, dance, dancethatre, puppet theatre, etc performances and activities
- music events and concerts
- performance art
- visual, photo, light and sound installations
- visual and photo exhibitions
- screenings of productions combining audiovisual and performing arts
- experiential workshops
- one or more of the above forms combined with gastronomy events.
The organisers commit to study all the proposals and to respond via e-mail to all proposals submitted on time, regardless of whether they will be selected for the program of the festivals or not. The evaluation group has the right not to mention the reasons for not accepting a proposal. The selection of the cities and the spaces where the activities will be presented, will be done by the organisers of the festivals in agreement with the providers of the selected proposals.
The proposals are submitted exclusively through the online form in the link mpart.gr/metavasi. The period of valid submission starts on Friday, February 12th and ends on Sunday, February 28th, 2021.
For more information, the interested parties can contact the organisers via e-mail sent to metavasi@smouth.com or director.volosfestival@gmail.com.
*Transition: noun; the proccess or the period of changing from one state or condition to another. The prefix trans- carries the meaning of beyond, across, through. As an innitiative, TRANSITION is an action of dynamic and essential confrontation of dead-ends, through synergies, networking and collaborations. As a thematic axis of the 3 festivals, TRANSITION states our wish to research on the ways, frameworks, conditions, processes and collaborations that will allow the contemporary performing arts, the creators and the cultural sector in general to transit to the way-out, to the next day of post-covid-19 era.