27 Jan Theatre workshops for migrants at Synergeio
Through the longstanding and fruitful cooperation with the staff and foreign minors of the Shelter for Unaccompanied Migrant Children of Larissa (KEAN), the theatre workshops of ”EXTREM project: Excellence in Theatre for Migrants’’ were launched at the stage of Synergeio, Culture Space in Larissa, on 23 and 24 January 2025.
SMouTh’s trainers got to know the participants through creative activities and improvisation, used non-verbal means of communication and laid the foundations for a creative collaboration that will continue steadily in the upcoming months.
The EXTREM project workshops are open to people with refugee/migrant backgrounds of all ages, as well as teachers and employees of organisations active in the field of inclusion of refugees, migrants and asylum seekers.
The Extreme project (Erasmus+) is funded by the Belgian national agency and aims to use theatre as a tool for social inclusion and personal development for young people with a migrant background in Europe. Part of the project’s actions involve the implementation of theatre workshops with young migrants in the country of each partner (for Greece, the implementing organisation of the actions is SMouTh) and subsequently workshops for the exchange of experiences between all the organisations, trainers and trainees involved.
All project actions are coordinated towards the common goal of improving the living conditions of marginalised young migrants through artistic experiences, enhancing the skills of young people and theatre workers through a protocol of excellence while promoting intercultural dialogue in European society.
If you are interested in joining EXTREM’s intercultural team, please contact us at info@smouth.com to find out more about our scheduled workshops.
More information about the project can be found on the official project website: https://www.extrem-project.eu/