11 Jun “The Little Everything” in the 2nd Ancient Theatre of Larissa
A group of people in search of their destination and of new material to rebuild a new place; this is what “The Little Everything” -the new project of SMouTh’s workshops group- is about.The piece composes and expresses the concerns and quests of the group and will premier this September in collaboration with the Ephorate of Antiquities of Larissa. It is also part of the Erasmus + project SPIRITUS LOCI, implemented by SMouTh with the collaboartion of 5 more European organisations. Aim of the project is to redefine the identity and spirit of local cultural heritage, tangible and intangible.
These last days, the group had the opportunity to test and experiment inside the venue of the 2nd Ancient Theatre.
Many thanks to the Ephorate of Antiquites for their support and to the Workers’ Center of Larissa for their valuable help.