09 Dec On-line training- Presentation of DeTalks project
SMouTh is organising an on-line event for the presentation of the outcomes of the project
DeTalks: Creative and Inclusive non-verbal Education
which will take place on Monday, December 21st, 17:30-19:30, via zoom platform.
The participants in this meeting will have the opportunity to familiarise with the innovative idea behind DeTalks project, which is the use of non-verbal communication and expression in the language education of new refugees, migrants and asylum seekers.
In the event we will go through training tools produced within DeTalks (the guidebook and the videos) and through how to combine them in order to autonomously use them in the future.
Every participant will receive the DeTalks guidebook in Greek.
We hope that this event will meet the interest of professionals working in the fileds of education, artistic education and inclusion of refugees, migrants and asylum seekers and will reinforce their toolcase in a time-efficient and fun way!
To attend the event, please subscribe here: https://forms.gle/4mZ688iyVw5nR9y57
This training event is included in the framework of actions of “Larissa Learning City”.
DeTalks project has been implemented within the collaboraton of 8 European artistic and cultural oraganisations: Centro di Creazione e Cultura (Italy), Les Têtes de l’ Art (France), ROOTS&ROUTES Cologne (Germany), SMouTh (Greece), Subjective Values Foundation (Hungary), Stichting ROOTS &ROUTES and House of Knowledge (Netherlands), under the coordination of Folkuniversitet (Sweden), the leader in the country’s linguistic training of refugees and migrants.
DeTalks project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the EU.