12 Oct OASES in Lille!
From October 4th to 10th, Empreinte organisation, based in Lille, France, hosted the first international training event of the “OASES for Change -Organising Artistic Self-Empowerement Spaces” project. Artists, trainers and project managers from Austria, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania and Turkey exchanged ideas, good practices and made plans for the future: OASES project is going to develop quality criteria, guidelines and tools useful for the organisation of art-based international youth exchanges. Stay tuned!
OASES consortium includes Streetdance Center (Salzburg/Austria), Empreinte (Lille/France), SMouTh (Larissa/Greece), Subjective Values Foundation (Budapest/Hungary), Centro di Creazione e Cultura (Florence/Italy), Kaunas Cultural Centre of Various Nations (Kaunas/Lithuania) and Blues Dernegi (Istanbul/Turkey).