13 Mar Launching INPACT
We are happy to announce that we are partners of INPACT, an innovative partnership for designing simple tools and methods for artists and cultural agents.
The project focuses on transforming digital, environmental, socio-economic and democratic challenges into resolvable situations and providing innovative contents and frames to other cultural and educational organisations.
Artists, creators and small cultural non-profit organisations are facing an increasing social and economic instability in most European countries. The ongoing Covid-19 crisis will further weaken their working and living conditions in the coming years. Women, people from less privileged backgrounds or with a low level of academic education are particularly disadvantaged in this situation.
To address this problem with a fresh perspective, with an international team of organisations from France, Spain (Catalonia and Asturias regions), Italy, Greece, Hungary and Lithuania, we are developing a toolkit of methods and skills by and for artists and cultural organisations. We will train our target group in the concepts and issues of current major transitions: social, economic, environmental, digital and democratic, to face a more promising future.
We have already started our research of exact needs, so stay tuned for further information!
Don’t forget to follow ROOTS & ROUTESon facebook and to check out their website.