20 May INPACT Co-creation Labs
After the fruitful 1st round of discussions for the Co-Creation Labs of INPACT project, held virtually on May 7th and 8th and focused on the digital and green transition of the cultural field, we are looking forward for the next round, this Friday and Saturday, May 21st-22nd.
Approximately 30 artists, researchers and organisation leaders of the creative sector will join their experience and points of view in 2, 2-hours long discussions about the challenges related to the socio-economic and democratic transition in arts and culture, aiming at the co-creation of an action plan to address these challenges.
This process takes place at the same period in all the 6 countries of the partner organisations (Greece, Italy, France, Spain, Lithuania and Hungary) and the results of each co-creation lab will be presented, discussed and furtherly processed in the next international meeting of the project, planned for July 2021 in Barcelona.