21 Nov BODY SHINING meeting in Sofia
On the 8th and 9th November 2022, the project’s partners met in Sofia, Bulgaria, for their second Transantional Partners Meeting.
SMouTh participated in the meeting together with coordinating organisation MOH (Bari/IT), hosting organisation Animus (Sofia/BG) and partner organisations ELAN Interculturel (Paris/FR) and University of the Atypical (Belfast/N. IR).
We had the chance to address all administrative and management related issues; process evaluation and monitoring; assess the multipliers of the first Intellectual Output; plan the next IOs.
We had also a half day-long work session dedicated to the methodology of IO3 (art workshop), led by University of Atypical followed by discussion and joint methodological design.
It was a great opportunity to meet again, to share ideas, work, think and plan activities and outputs together, for the coming months.
Thanks to our hosts for the hospitality and to all participating partners for their contribution!