09 Aug SciFi22 Youth Exchange in Larissa
Self care and Community care in the centre of artistic creation
The creative journey of a big exchange of young artists of ROOTS & ROUTES International under the title SciFi22 (Self Care Interaction for community Intelligence) has been successfully completed!
40 young artists from 6 European countries met each other in Larissa and gave their full energy and rich ideas for 12 days, in a research process leading to the creation of 8 mini performances, connected under the title “CAREfull”. These productions will be soon available online in an audiovisual version.
“CAREfull” has been founded on the exploration of the concepts of self care and community care by the artists, on the awareness of “right here, right now”, and also on the ways our needs emerge at a personal and social level, as well as on how we take care of them as human beings and as artists.
The project has been coordinated by Andreas Almpanis, Dimitra Zacharouli, Marialena Tsiamoura and Conny Beißler, while the team has been supported by the coaches Thanasis Saliampouchos, Despoina Bounitsi, Athina Manoli, Katerina Bekou and Filippos Zoukas.
Many thanks to all the participating artists and organisations that made it real and great!
Many thanks also to the Mayoralty of Culture and Science of the Municipality of Larissa and to The Museum of Grains and Flour for their support.
Participating organisations:
- ROOTS & ROUTES Cologne (Cologne/Germany),
- Centro di Creazione e Cultura (Florence/Italy),
- Subjective Values Foundation (Budapest/Hungary)
- Streetdance Center Salzburg (Salzburg/Austria),
- Kaunas Cultural Centre of Various Nations (Kaunas/Lithuania),
- Synergy of Music Theatre (Larissa/Greece).
#SciFi22 has been part of the “OASES – Organising Artistic Self-Empowerment Spaces” Erasmus + project, implemented by ROOTS & ROUTES International
Images: Giannis Chatziantoniou